My sister Ashley is renowned in her circle of friends as being one of the best cooks ever. Since she now has quite the collection of self-created and tested recipes under her belt, she’s ready to share them with other cooking enthusiasts.

Over the course of this week, Ashley will feature three recipes that you can pair together to have a complete Mexican-inspired dinner! I’ve eaten the results of these recipes, and I can tell you that they are delicious.

The first Mexican-inspired recipe this week is for pork tacos. The recipe for Cilantro Lime Coconut Rice (pictured with the tacos) is coming later this week.


Pork Tacos

no serving suggestions here—it will serve as many as you make!

Pre-seasoned pork tenderloin (I used a garlicky flavor)

chili powder

small corn tortillas

manchego cheese (or any white cheese of your choice)


sour cream (or plain Greek yogurt if you’d like)

lime, for squeezing on tacos


Cut up your pork tenderloin into manageable chunks. Sprinkle with chili powder. Remember, we used a pre-seasoned tenderloin, so there was no need to add anything else.  If your tenderloin is unseasoned, just season it with your favorite combo of flavors.

Sautee the pork pieces in a tablespoon of oil (maybe two tbsps if you need it) until they are cooked through. No pink!

Warm tortillas in a skillet for about 1 min on each side on low heat.

Assemble the tacos!

Enjoy alone or with Cilantro Lime Coconut Rice! (coming soon)

Tell us what you think of Ashley’s recipes in the comments section below!

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